A Special Letter From Kristin's Parents
We would like to share a special letter written from Kristin's parents to all the
wonderful people involved in Kristin's life and those who have contributed to the Memorial Fund.
September 17, 2002
Dear Friends of The Kristin Carroll Memorial Fund,
We wish to extend our appreciation to those of you who have so generously donated to the Spina
Bifida Center at The Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD.
As you can see from the letter received from Kristin's physician Dr. Eric Levey, the center is using
the donated funds to assist Spina Bifida patients with their special needs.
Kristin, although, she was continually challenged for 32 years with medical difficulites, was in many ways
very blessed. She was surrounded by friends and family who loved her, she never lacked for anything
financially and she was able to accomplish everything she intended. She led a great life!
Kristin was always aware that she was more fortunate than most young adults with her disability. It is
for that reason that it gives her family great comfort in knowing that even in Kristin's absence she continues to be a source of support
for those in need.
It is with deep gratitude that we express our appreciation to all of you who have supported and continue to support The
Kristin Carroll Memorial Fund.
Kristina Carroll Palmborg and Jim Palmborg
Hugh Carroll and Gail Lacy Carroll